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The following are answers to common questions in the Microsoft
FrontPage Client Newsgroup:
Here's the game with the ActiveX
Control Pad (I'll use XCP for short)
and FrontPage.
1. Configure the FrontPage Explorer to use the
"XCP" as an editor. It won't allow a second htm
extension so use something like htmx.
2. When you need to edit a file with "XCP"
instead of FrontPage's editor, right-click the file in
Explorer and select Open With ... Select the ActiveX
Control Pad.
3. Make your edits and save the file. Just use the File
Save and let it put the file where it wants to (it will
go to a temp directory).
4. Here's the big difference: Switch back to FrontPage
Explorer and select File Import. Select your modified
file(s) and import them. If you don't you won't see your
changes (there may be a later message about files still
in the import list when you exit).
ActiveX Control Pad and FrontPage work together quite
well. FrontPage is a little rough around the edges and
I've seen some flaws and nuisances but not enough to send
me away. Remember this is a "point one" clean
up of a
product from a third party. I'm looking forward to 2.0.
Richard Posey
Critical Mass Systems
MS Solution Provider