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The following are answers to common questions in the Microsoft FrontPage Client Newsgroup:

There are several meta tags that deals with search engines:


Format for the above:

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="description of the page">

<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="comma separated keyword values">

To insert the above in your FrontPage web, do the following:

1. Open up a page in FrontPage Editor.
2. Right click anywhere in the page itself.
3. Click on Page Properties.
4. Click on the Custom Tab.
5. Click on the 2nd Add button (for user variables).
6. Enter description for the name.
7. Tab and enter the description of the page for value.
8. Click on OK.
9. Click on the 2nd Add button (for user variables).
10. Enter keywords for the name.
11. Tab and enter a set of comma delimited keywords.
12. Click on OK.
13. Click on OK.

Recommended reading:
HTML Meta Tag List
Meta tags - what, where, when, why? at
META Tagging for Search Engines at

Peter Perchansky

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Art work by
Carl Jagt of Restore THIS!
Last updated: Wednesday June 11, 1997 14:58 -0400