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The following are answers to common questions in the Microsoft FrontPage Client Newsgroup:

Password Protection

There are several method to add password protection to your Web site. Each method has its pros and cons.

Method 1 - FrontPage Registration Bot

If your server has FrontPage Extensions installed, and you are not using the IIS Web server (Registration WebBot not Supported on IIS Web Server), then you can use the FrontPage Registration Bot. The pro is you are using a FrontPage tool, and the con is a subweb has to be created. If you want to password individual pages, you will have to create a subweb for each page. Read How to create a Registration Web.

Method 2 - Use Server Authentication

If you have access to files on the server and your server supports user authentication, then you can use this feature to password protect areas on your system. Similar to the FrontPage Registration bot, you have to create areas (subdirectories in this case) that are protected. This method and the CGI/Java method are my preferred ways of protection since you have the greatest amount of flexibility.

  Apache DBM User Authentication
  Apache User Authentication Documentation
  CERN User Authentication Documentation
  Controlling Access using User Authentication (Passwords)
  Mosaic User Authentication Tutorial
  User Authentication

Method 3 - Use CGI or Java

If you are familiar with Perl or another CGI language, you can write your own scripts to password protect individual pages or subdirectories. Or you can scour the Internet to find such scripts.

  LockOut by Sausage Software ($)
  Password Protection by Read-to-Go CGI ($)
  Selena's Authentication Scripts
  The pWord Web Password System ($)

Method 4 - Use JavaScript

Among the easiest to implment, and yet the least secure is setting up password protection via JavaScript. Read Using JavaScript for Password File Protection.

Peter Perchansky

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Last updated: Sunday May 11, 1997 11:54 -0400