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The following are answers to common questions in the Microsoft
FrontPage Client Newsgroup:
To fix the broken spell checker, edit frontpg.ini (under
your Windows directory on system disk) and change the
line (under [FrontPage 2.0]):
FrontPageLangID=0x to FrontPageLangID=0x0409
This only works if you have another MS program installed
that also uses a spell checker.
You can also get your thesaurus to work under the FP
Editor by adding the line:
Jack D. Pond
[email protected]
Other Languages:
FrontpageLangID=0x0403 for Catalanian
FrontpageLangID=0x040A for Spanish
FrontpageLangID=0x042D for Baskian
FrontpageLangID=0x0C0A for Modern Spanish