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The following are answers to common questions in the Microsoft FrontPage Client Newsgroup:

Subdirectories versus Subwebs

From time to time the question as to what are the differences between subdirectories and subwebs. Hopefully, this explanation will help clear things up.

Subdirectories are created within an existing web through various means: FrontPage Explorer (folder mode), New Folder; Windows 95 Explorer, DOS, Telnet, FTP, etc.

The bottom line is the web already exists, and you are working within that web. Analogy. A directory (folder) exists, and you are working within that directory.

(FrontPage) Subwebs are created solely through FrontPage Explorer via File, New Web.

When you perform an open web within FrontPage Explorer, you will see the <root> web and any sub webs that have been created (you will never see any subdirectories this way).

You can hyperlink to pages within subdirectories via relative links.


--- <root>
--- services
--- webhosting
--- webdesign
--- images

Link would be <a href= /services/webhosting.htm> on a page within the <root>. A page within /services/webhosting could reference web design via <a href=webdesign.htm>. Images could be referenced via "../pete.jpg" or "/images/pete.jpg"

The only way to hyperlink pages within a subweb is to use the full URL.


--- <root>
--- services
--- webhosting
--- webdesign
--- images
--- <clientA>
--- welcome

In order to hyperlink anything from the <root> web to <client A>'s welcome page, you must use

Noteworthy: The bots only work within a web, and do not work across subwebs. So a search bot will only find or attempt to find words within the web the search bot is placed; and, cannot find anything in other subwebs.

Peter Perchansky

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Carl Jagt of Restore THIS!
Last updated: Sunday May 11, 1997 11:59 -0400