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The following are answers to common questions in the Microsoft
FrontPage Client Newsgroup:
Web Bots -- Things to keep in mind
General Notes
- Make sure when you setup your web server account
that you ask to have the same version of
FrontPage Extensions installed as the version of
FrontPage you are using on your machine. Meaning
FrontPage 97 Extensions if you are using
FrontPage 97, and FrontPage 1.1 Extensions if you
are using FrontPage 1.1.
When a provider states
they support FrontPage Extension that is like a
gas station saying they support unleaded and
diesel fueled vehicles. What type of gas actually
goes into the vehicle is dependent on YOU.
Therefore, do not assume you will have access to
FrontPage Extensions unless you specifically ask
for them during the installation processes.
- If you are using FrontPage 97 and your provider
has FrontPage 1.1 Extensions, then expect to have
problems; the same is true if you are using
FrontPage 1.1 and your provider has FrontPage 97
Web Bots and features that do not require FrontPage
- Frame Wizard
- HTML Markup Bot
- Include Bot
- JavaScript Wizard
- Substitution Bot
- Timestamp Bot
- TOC (Table of Contents) Bot
- VBScript Wizard
Web Bots and features that do require FrontPage
- Confirmation Bot
- Discussion Web
- Feedback Forms
- Guest Book Forms
- Registration Web
- Save Results Bot
- Scheduled Image
- Scheduled Include Bot
- Search Bot
Alternatives to FrontPage Web Bots
Peter Perchansky