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The following are answers to common questions in the Microsoft
FrontPage Client Newsgroup:
To view Word or Excel documents, use a floating frame;
for example:
NAME="fframe" SRC="hlsimple.doc">
WIDTH="75%" HEIGHT="55%"
NAME="fframe" SRC="hlsimple.doc">
SRC="hlsimple.doc" width=200 height=100>
To view the embedded document or spreadsheet, the user
must have the appropriate application installed. To open
hlsimple.doc in the example above, they will need
Microsoft Word or Word Viewer, so it may be appropriate
to provide a link to http://www.microsoft.com
to download a viewer. Viewers are available for Microsoft
Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint®. You
can also convert the document, spreadsheet, or
presentation to HTML using appropriate Internet Assistant
add-ons. The resulting HTML files may require further
enhancements (for example, you may need to use style
sheets to retain the original appearance). These HTML
files can also be displayed in floating frames as shown
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